Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Acne Prone Skin - Tips and Tricks

Acne is a problem which most of girls face during their teenage and is some cases even after that. I have faced this problem for many years now. I'd to say one thing in particular before I start is this routine is not a miracle and took me months to actually control it. The key is to be patient.

I also heard a lot of myths as the reasons for my growing and severe acne like make-up, oily and spicy foods etc might be the causes. But girls, NO! these are not the MAJOR reasons for acne yes, they give you small zits overnight but nothing major. I tried everything from high-end brands to simple DIYs, no matter what I tired or used nothing quiet helped me with it but time. Here are some of the tricks I use to control my acne.

Cleanse Cleanse Cleanse!!

Always cleanse your face before going to bed. I'm not telling you to give it proper 10-20 minutes message, 2-3 minutes every night would be enough.

Clean Pillow Covers

Change your pillow cover every two days. Yes, the major cause of acne is dirt as it sets in your skin and hence causes bacteria. Be sure not to skip this step EVER.

Drink Lots of water and Fresh Juices 

Drink lots and lots of water to purify the inside of your body.

Face Wash

Spend in a good acne face wash (I use B&B), and wash your face thrice a day. Don't over do that as you don't want it suck all the good oils as well.


Exfoliate your skin at least once a week to get rid of all the white/black heads that might cause you headaches afterwards.

Never Sleep With Make-Up On

Remember sleeping with make-up on is a sin. It clogs pores and causes bacteria to grow inside your skin that causes acne.

Don't Skip Sunscreen

Buy a good sunblock with SPF 40-60 and use it when ever you are exposed to sun. This actually is very important.

Don't Stress

Ever heard of stress pimples? Yes! They do exist and are pretty bad. So Relax!

I hope this works out for you all. xoxo :)
Love You All <3


  1. These are some very nice pointers we often tend to ignore and end up with acne. Great reminder!

    Fatima | www.blogsbyfa.com
